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Power of data partnerships for driving awareness and revenue, with Etan Grosinger @Crunchbase
In the new episode we dive into the power of data partnerships for driving awareness and revenue, with Etan Grosinger, Revenue...
32% of Chief Supply Chain Officers plan to integrate with partners to grow faster
Companies are integrating their ecosystems both 🔺upstream and 🔻downstream. 32% of Chief Supply Chain Officers plan to integrate with...
How to create a business case for #partnerships that will get both sides 🙌excited and bought-in
A frequent question❔ how to create a business case for #partnerships that will get both sides excited and bought-in. I chatted with a...
How to leverage ecosystem strategy and integrations to drive growth in 2023?
Excited to share our in-depth discussion with Allan Adler, author of GoToEcosystem, on how to grow SaaS businesses with the #ecosystem...
Box's (BOX ) partnerships playbook: from 0 to 1500+ partners
Today Box (BOX) is ~ $1Bn ARR, where ~ 40% of New ARR 🏆 comes in-directly via partners. But let’s look at how they started...
#5️⃣ from our 7 key partner insights in 2022 - becoming a #platform is among top aspirations in SaaS
🛠️ Becoming a #platform is among top aspirations in SaaS. But what should be true to become another Slack, Shopify or HubSpot? Companies...
#6️⃣ of 7 key partner insights in 2022. The rise of a new Partnerships Leader
7 key partner insights in 2022 - a brief summary of key trends from a busy & challenging year. 6️⃣ The rise of a new #Partnerships Leader...
🏆 #1 of 7 key partner insights of 2022
#1 of 7 key partner insights of 2022. Last year many realized that despite the drums of #plg, there's never been a 🗽 top tech company...
Why tech companies double down on partnerships and what is the gap they need to bridge to succeed?
#Partnerships (JVs and alliances) have been growing 📈 14% YoY compounding since 2016 (McKinsey). The tech sector continues to power...
How Slack built a platform and unlocked ⚡️ network effects [Platform playbook]
This week Slack’s co-founder, Stewart Butterfield announced leaving Salesforce (SFDC). Slack is now folded into SFDC #platform, its...
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